my name is Brenna Rusk,
and I am a Creative.
Humans have desired the ability to fly since the dawn of time—creating tales such as “The Fall of Icarus” to explore its dangers yet attempting its birdlike power through airplanes. However, for me, there’s something even more entrancing than the sky and what lies beyond it: the Imagination. Our minds create worlds beyond those thought imaginable. Our brains are known to create montages of our favorite characters exploring new worlds, coming up with color schemes to our favorite tunes, and remembering nostalgic moments from times past. Utilizing that imagination allows us to become a being possessing something beyond the ability of a bird’s flight: a Creative.
Creatives drive the world. Art is often defined as a drawing or painting that sparks an emotional connection with viewers. But art is so much more. From the computer I am using to type this to the fuzzy purple polar bear socks I have on my feet, art is everywhere. Creatives have the power to concept, develop, test, and utilize their imagination to transform even those things that some view as commonplace. As a kid, I felt as if I was being transported to a different world whenever I walked into an arcade. The funky ’80s-patterned carpet, the booming sounds of the various hardware, the metallic smell of the coins I’d collect over the counter to put in machines—I could only describe the scene as epic. As I got older, I realized that someone or a group of people had to design and put those sights, sounds, and smells together to create that experience.
As a young Creative cultivating my artistic style in this modern-day industry, I find myself wanting to remind everyone of the power of our imagination. I am grateful to have been raised in a household that honors creatives, with us all pushing each other to achieve our most artistic selves. With what I have learned, I hope to inspire others through storytelling, taking their minds on what seems like unimaginable adventures through different cultures, fantasies, and tales of friendship. Recently, I attended an event where I met many other young creatives who hope to inspire and change the world through the power of imagination. It made me realize how important our artistic skills are. Art permeates the world around us, cultivating and developing cultural exchanges, expressions, and interactions. This only reinforces to me that I must do everything in my power to share my creative mind with the world.
However, as a great and powerful Creative once wrote, “With great power, comes great responsibility.” Though I may have realized the influence we have on the world, many others do not know how to make their mark. As a young artist, I’ve noticed that though our styles and ideologies may differ, many of us aspire to have the ability to say, “I was here.” From the pop, twists, and bends of graffiti beautifully sprawled along the streets of bustling cities to the traditional figures of neoclassical works reaching toward each other in agony portraying the gloom and brutality of the time, all have their purpose. Throughout my life, I hope to use my power as a creative to awaken the minds of those who doubt the power of art.
However, as a great and powerful Creative once wrote, “With great power, comes great responsibility.” Though I may have realized the influence we have on the world, many others do not know how to make their mark. As a young artist, I’ve noticed that though our styles and ideologies may differ, many of us aspire to have the ability to say, “I was here.” From the pop, twists, and bends of graffiti beautifully sprawled along the streets of bustling cities to the traditional figures of neoclassical works reaching toward each other in agony portraying the gloom and brutality of the time, all have their purpose. Throughout my life, I hope to use my power as a creative to awaken the minds of those who doubt the power of art.